Monday, April 9, 2007

Little sister/baby doll

Autumn is a wonderful little sister. She never knows from minute to minute what Carsyn might try next. Carsyn tries to pick her up, feed her food and, as you can see, push her in her baby stroller. Nothing seems to phase baby Autumn. She's just along for the ride (of her life).

1 comment:

Beth White said...

Hahahahaha! This completely cracks me up. I don't know what's cuter...Autumn crammed up in that stroller or Carsyn's hair pulled up on top of her head. You've got TWO little dolls on your hands, Jilly! Looks like they also enjoyed the one of Autumn sitting in the grass alone. Like she's just propped up there. & how funny to see your kids out in front of those bushes where we used to play & stand to have our own photos taken!

Love ya, honey!